Toronto Pflag

Charitable Giving
Toronto Pflag
TORONTO, Ontario, Canada


Toronto Pflag offers support to Toronto's LGBTQ2S+ community and their Families. We offer the following programs and services: * Monthly Support Meetings * One-on-one telephone support at 416-406-6378 * Presentations to schools, colleges and universities * Workshops to businesses and organizations to explore diversity, empower allies and combat homophobia and transphobia

Make a donation

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Charitable Giving Account (CGA)

You can donate to this charity using your CGA. You have <span>{balance}</span> to use for donations. To find out, <a href="#">check your coverage</a> or chat with us.

How it works

During checkout: Choose your CGA to make a donation at checkout.

Submitting claims: You don’t need to submit a claim.

Using this benefit

Give back to your community with a contribution from your CGA. You can use this account to support any of the charitable causes featured in League’s Lifemarket.

Good to know: You won’t receive a tax receipt for CGA donations, as these funds have been provided by your employer and are tax-free.

Translation missing: en.products.exceptions_title If you split a donation using your CGA and your LSA or credit card, you’ll get a tax receipt for the non-CGA amount.