Charitable Giving

Curator's Note

We all know that giving helps others but studies have shown that it can actually boost your physical and mental health. In fact, studies have reported lower blood pressure, reduced stress levels and a surge in our feel-good neurotransmitters when we give of ourselves to others. I guess there’s some scientific proof behind “the joy of giving."

Dorian W., International Market Lead at League

Dorian W., International Market Lead at League

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


We work with government, business and individuals to conserve our environment by providing science-based education, advocacy and policy work, and acting as a catalyst for the social change that today's situation demands. Goals Protecting our climate — ensure that Canada is doing its fair share to avoid dangerous climate change and is on track to achieve a safe level of greenhouse gas emissions. Transforming the economy — make certain that Canadians can maintain a high quality of life within the finite limits of nature through efficient resource use. Protecting nature — work to protect the diversity and health of Canada's marine, freshwater, and terrestrial creatures and ecosystems. Reconnecting with nature — ensure that Canadians, especially youth, learn about their dependence on a healthy environment through outdoor education. Building community — engage Canadians to live healthier, more fulfilled and just lives with tips on building Earth-friendly infrastructure, making smart energy choices, using efficient transportation, and being mindful of the products, food and water we use. ------------ La Fondation s’appuie sur des recherches avérées. Elle mise sur la sensibilisation et l’analyse de politiques d’intérêt public pour mener son action en faveur de la conservation et de la protection de l’environnement afin d’aider à dessiner un avenir pour le Canada. La Fondation collabore régulièrement avec des organismes sans but lucratif et communautaires, les gouvernements, les entreprises et les citoyens. Nos objectifs Solutions climatiques: Nous pouvons surmonter la crise climatique et offrir à tous un avenir prometteur. Travaillons de concert afin de réduire la pollution par les gaz à effet de serre, accélérer les solutions climatiques et inciter le Canada à adopter des mesures urgentes et ambitieuses. Nature florissante: La nature est omniprésente, et nous en faisons tous partie. Lorsqu’elle s’épanouit, nous prospérons, mais elle a ses limites. Respectons la nature, protégeons-la et restaurons-la pour le bien de toutes les formes de vie. Collectivités durables: Nous vivrons tous plus sainement si nous chérissons les liens qui nous unissent et notre rapport avec la nature. Réinventons nos milieux de vie en misant sur le bien-être, et bâtissons des sociétés dynamiques et résilientes au bénéfice de tous.

Make a donation

Curator's Note

We all know that giving helps others but studies have shown that it can actually boost your physical and mental health. In fact, studies have reported lower blood pressure, reduced stress levels and a surge in our feel-good neurotransmitters when we give of ourselves to others. I guess there’s some scientific proof behind “the joy of giving."

Dorian W., International Market Lead at League

Dorian W., International Market Lead at League

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Charitable Giving Account (CGA)

You can donate to this charity using your CGA. You have <span>{balance}</span> to use for donations. To find out, <a href="#">check your coverage</a> or chat with us.

How it works

During checkout: Choose your CGA to make a donation at checkout.

Submitting claims: You don’t need to submit a claim.

Using this benefit

Give back to your community with a contribution from your CGA. You can use this account to support any of the charitable causes featured in League’s Lifemarket.

Good to know: You won’t receive a tax receipt for CGA donations, as these funds have been provided by your employer and are tax-free.

Translation missing: en.products.exceptions_title If you split a donation using your CGA and your LSA or credit card, you’ll get a tax receipt for the non-CGA amount.