30 jours pour Fit

Born to Sweat

Note du curateur

With no desire to return to the gym, I found myself searching for online fitness options. I tried many programs before finding (and falling in love with) Born to Sweat. Each workout and exercise is broken down with step-by-step photos and instructions and Beverley is nothing short of entertaining. The workouts are designed to help you build strength, lose fat and have fun. Since starting her program I have more energy, feel stronger and actually look forward to working out.

Sam P., Marketplace Operations Specialist at League

Sam P., Marketplace Operations Specialist at League

30 jours pour Fit

Born to Sweat
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Détails du produit

Nouveau à la salle de gym? Ce programme de 30 jours vous montre exactement comment effectuer chaque exercice ou utiliser un équipement avec confiance. Développez votre force et débarrassez-vous de toute intimidation à l'égard du gym.

Ce programme est pour les femmes qui veulent se sentir en confiance chaque fois qu'ils entrent dans la salle de gym afin qu'ils puissent être IRRÉSISTIBLE.

Je suis là pour vous aider:

  • As a former high level athlete, I understand the importance of having a trainer guide you and show you how far you can ACTUALLY push your body.
  • I will teach you how to go from feeling powerless and confused, to feeling strong, confident and capable of achieving ANYTHING.
  • Hundreds of women have gone through 30 Days to Fit and have the confidence, motivation and willpower to prove it.
  • They’ve taken themselves from a dull, inconsistent workout routine to feeling empowered and excited to workout.
  • And being empowered in the gym will push you to become empowered and in control of your entire life.

After purchase, you will be contacted within 24hrs to receive your 30 Days to Fit guide.

Not 100% happy with your purchase? I don’t want you to be stuck with a program that is not the right fit for you. If you’ve bought The Sweat Series and after looking through it still don’t think it’s the one for you, I’ll refund you 100% of your money.

Born to Sweat
Born to Sweat
Toronto, , CAN

Note du curateur

With no desire to return to the gym, I found myself searching for online fitness options. I tried many programs before finding (and falling in love with) Born to Sweat. Each workout and exercise is broken down with step-by-step photos and instructions and Beverley is nothing short of entertaining. The workouts are designed to help you build strength, lose fat and have fun. Since starting her program I have more energy, feel stronger and actually look forward to working out.

Sam P., Marketplace Operations Specialist at League

Sam P., Marketplace Operations Specialist at League

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